A naked cleaner career can be something you have never honestly considered, but it could change after you read this story. We spoke to Caitlin, a 34-year-old ex-hair stylist, who has encountered serious revenue problems during the pandemic. This is the story of how Caitlin became a naked cleaner and how it has changed her life ever since.
Pandemic and the naked cleaner career
“I have lived in Dublin all my life and never thought a day would come when working as a hairdresser would mean having serious financial problems. When the pandemic kicked in, our salon had to be closed. After several weeks of waiting for the situation to change for the better, I finally decided to take matters into my own hands. I got to be honest with you, I feared getting into debt and losing my current standard of living. So, I met with a former colleague from my previous workplace for a coffee and asked about her solution for this horrific time. She told me she is a naked cleaner now – it was the first time I heard about something like that. When I think about it now, it was a really important moment in my life. I’m so glad I went to meet her on that day.”
Naked cleaners are on the rise
Becoming a naked cleaner is more and more popular in Ireland recently. Caitlin was one of the people, who decided to give naked cleaning a shot and tells her story with pride.
“After my friend told me she can make a whole month’s salary over a week, I knew I had to give it a go. She told me about how important it was to set boundaries and have a friend, whom you may always call if something goes wrong, but after that everything in her story made me desperate to try it. She said the hourly rates for naked cleaning are north of 100 EURO, and it’s actually a pretty pleasant job. Like a cross between a normal cleaning job and naked modeling. It seemed almost too good to be true.”
Compared to the average number of vacancies posted online throughout 2018-19, the Irish economy has seen a drop in available vacant jobs of more than 56% by June 2020. The market trends have significantly altered, and not in the favor of the employees.
How to become a naked cleaner
The first steps in a new career are always difficult, especially if you are having to do that move because of the situation around you. Caitlin was brave enough to try the new career and now recommends it.
“Finding work as a naked cleaner took me a week or so, but after I followed all the steps my friend told me to follow, it actually became much easier than I thought. I asked a friend to take some pictures of me cleaning while in the nude, in a way they didn’t show all the bits you don’t want everyone to see. I tried different poses, acting sexy but also natural. I posted my ad online and the next day had my first call. A diplomat, who had a huge house called, and apparently, he was looking for someone to clean it but was also looking for some female nudity, while staying isolated at home. I always felt good in my body, and far from timid, so this was very exciting. I told him about the boundaries and rates, and we agreed on a specific time. When I arrived, he was a true gentleman, very polite and classy. He booked an extra hour, and after I finished, he told me he loved it so much he wanted to become a regular. I visit his place every Tuesday, ever since.”

Nature of naked cleaner services
It is understandable, that women feel distanced from ideas like becoming a naked cleaner also for safety reasons. And like with every 1 on 1 service, caution is very important and highly recommended. “I had a few dodgy calls, but if you ask the right questions, you spot a perv within seconds. I have never actually had a bad naked cleaning session so far. Some are better, some are worse, like in any other job, but the difference with this one is the freedom it gives you. And by that, I mean both money and time – it’s a completely freelance arrangement, so you can fit it into your lifestyle, whatever it is. It’s certainly not a job for everyone, but for me, it was a life-changing experience, a blessing in disguise that came with the pandemic. Now, my life is just so much easier. Naked cleaner job changed my life for the better. After a few months, I told one of my female friends about this, and she was amazed by how efficient I was, in doing what I do now. After another few weeks, she decided to start providing naked cleaning services as a weekend gig. And you know what? Next Saturday we are doing a duo service as a pair of naked cleaners in an office in Foxrock. Both of us will come back with smiles on our faces and 300 EUR in our pockets for just two hours of work and the commute.”