In today’s economy, more and more people consider becoming a naked cleaner. But does this make sense? Is becoming a naked cleaner in 2022 an opportunity worth considering? In this article, we will share practical information that will help you make up your mind on this topic.
Main reasons to become a naked cleaner
Many of our viewers are thinking if this could potentially be a good job for them and there is no simple answer to that. But for some of you, it surely is. Naked cleaners who became professionals, emphasize this is a highly recommended career opportunity for numerous reasons. Find out some of them while reading this text.
Naked cleaners can work whenever they want
Usually is it a gig, that can be scheduled to comfortably fit one’s timetable. You don’t have office hours, you don’t need to do it on the same days each week or only in the mornings. It’s easy to have some naked cleaner work done and have it fit your timetable. All you need to do is be honest about when do you prefer to work while communicating with your clients. There will be nobody pushing you to do more work, than you want to, maybe except for yourself when you realize how easily you can earn some extra cash.
Becoming a naked cleaner can significantly improve your financial situation
The financial aspect of naked cleaning is an important reason to consider getting into this. There are many jobs that can be financially rewarding, but this one holds a special place on the list. The reason for that is that it’s both good for making some extra cash while having a 9 till 5 job, and for people who prefer to do it full time. Hourly rates for services tend to be on the hefty side, so spending more time doing this gives you more cash. And the number can be pretty eye-opening. Some naked cleaners are able to make thousands of Euros every week, working not more than 8-9 hours a day. It could be very rewarding to be able to completely change your financial situation while performing work, which is relatively easy after you get some experience in it.

Naked cleaners feel good about themselves
Many service providers calling themselves a naked cleaner tend to emphasize the switch in their mindset that has happened after they took the job. They became much more self-confident, felt more attractive, and opened up for the world. Having daily contact with people who are mostly grateful, accepting, and eager to see them is a supercharger for their mood. We’ve heard stories about people who completely changed their own view of themselves thanks to this job. Making good money also helps to feel much better about yourself, no doubt about that. For many, it is also important to feel naturally at ease and fulfill naturist cravings while being at work. Not many employment opportunities offer that.
Development opportunities for a naked cleaner
If you thought this is a dead-end job, you really need to think again. There are many development paths you can embark on after becoming a successful naked cleaner. First of all, you may work more hours with more paid extras which will make you smile when you see your monthly income. You can establish rapport with your regulars and find out is there perhaps some space for offering another service, such as naked ironing or garden work. You can become a nude art model and an inspiration for artists, that also gets paid for this, and sometimes it is really worth it. It also opens up a lot of opportunities for your personal branding – opening up an official Instagram account or selling your content through platforms for the adults, that allow naked content is just another idea to make happen. You can also seek work as a naked bartender for company or house parties and get paid exceptionally well. It’s totally up to you!
Find out more about working as a naked cleaner in our series of articles on the topic.